November 2021 – Canvas Progress Update

We are excited to announce that the Canvas implementation is moving forward. Divisions’ teaching and learning staff along with IT@JH have been working hard to plan for the upcoming migration. At this time, we are beginning to configure our new Canvas instance and to set up core data flows from SIS.

We have heard from faculty who are eager to know more about when they can access Canvas. We have some general updates, and more specific information will be shared by your division in early Spring 2022.

Spring 2022 Pilot

Early adopters have been selected for the limited Spring 2022 pilot, and pilot applications are now closed. We are glad that the pilot generated strong interest, and we are looking forward to gathering data from the faculty and students participating.

Academic Course Migration Planning

Canvas offers divisions several ways to move content from Blackboard to Canvas. Teaching and learning centers are engaged in a rigorous testing process this fall to learn more about the best way to bring your specific content into Canvas. Some divisions are reaching out to faculty to learn more about their courses. You can help this process by responding to any surveys or emails relating to migration.

Training for Faculty

Along with migration, we are working with the vendors to ensure a smooth launch of Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 courses. Faculty will have access to Canvas on-demand training courses, learning pathways, and live webinars. Divisions will also offer additional training that focuses on specifics for their faculty.

Academic Course Access for SU22 and FA22 Faculty

We are working with vendors to determine the ideal time for faculty to begin using Canvas. We need to do a variety of tests to make sure the system is set up and ready to use. Here are some guidelines, and divisions will be releasing more detailed schedules at the beginning of Spring 2022:

  • If you are teaching Summer 2022 on Canvas, you can expect to gain access once your course is migrated and the system setup is complete. We are currently targeting early April 2022, but your division will ultimately coordinate when it is best to start using Canvas.
  • In Fall 2022, all courses will be on Canvas (and no courses will be live on Blackboard). Faculty can expect to gain access in early summer to work on their fall courses. Your division will ultimately coordinate when it is best to start using Canvas.

We are excited to have you all begin using Canvas next year. The migration teams are working hard to prepare for a smooth launch. More information will be released by divisions in early Spring 2022. If you have questions in the meantime about the overall process, you can reach the project team at [email protected].

Town Hall (9/28) Recording Available

Members of the LMS Steering Committee discuss plans for the move from Blackboard to Canvas, the history of the project, and more.

Tuesday, September 28, 12:00 to 1:00pm ET

  • Stephen Gange, Executive Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Brian Cole, Associate Director of Instructional Technology at the Center for Educational Resources

Recording of the Live Stream Broadcast

Note: For the best viewing experience, the most recent versions of Chrome or Safari are recommended. If problems persist, confirm the stability of your internet connection, clear your browser’s cache, delete cookies, and/or restart your browser.


During the town hall, the question of how many years/semesters worth of Blackboard courses are going to be migrated to Canvas. Although specific examples were used, each division will ultimately decide on a migration strategy that may differ from the examples discussed in the town hall.

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